Monday, October 27, 2008

It's getting better

Things are finally starting to settle into a bit of a routine here. That doesn't mean that we're not incredibly busy and occasionally overwhelmed, things are just getting more routine. Craig's starting to get used to Harrison peeing on him and Laura's getting better at timing the feedings. Harrison is starting to not dislike his father as much as he initially did, but still seems skeptical of Craig.

Now the fun stuff, a couple of fresh photos.

Our first family photo.

Craig, Harrison and Otis relaxing in the recliner. We're doing our best to include Otis, who seems to be getting more comfortable with Harrison each day.

While he was afraid of the swing at first, Harrison spent a good two hours relaxing in it this morning while mom and dad took showers.

Harrison's been out and about just a little bit since we've had him home. We took him to dad's work last week to show him off and scare him away from a career in newspapers. Friday he made a brief trip to Target, since Laura doesn't trust Craig to get the shopping list done by himself. Harrison got his first taste of citizenship this afternoon when we took him to city hall so mom and dad could vote absentee. He seemed pretty disinterested in the whole process, but then again very little interests him at this point.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Exercising the lungs

In case Grandma was missing him too much after spending a week with him, here's a video of Harrison exercising his lungs a bit.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Growing already

Harrison went for his first Doctor's appointment yesterday and he's grown half an inch since birth. He's in the 83rd percentile for height, but only 23rd percentile for weight. That means he's wiry.


Harrison is doing really well, he's putting weight back on since leaving the hospital and he's pooping more than we ever thought possible.

Here's a pic of the little guy. Craig especially likes the swing one. We assure everyone the swing was going really slow, but Harrison kinda looks like he's hanging on for life.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Nothing to say, so here's some pics

I got nothin' but pictures.

Grandma Franz

Padre Franz

Carol made a great career choice being a nurse. She was really helpful.

Harrison getting ready to go home. You can tell he really enjoyed his first car seat experience.

Harrison at home with mom and Otis. They're getting along well, but Otis seems a little freaked out by the whole experience.

Friday, October 17, 2008

Oct. 16...One hell of a day

The first night came and went without a hitch. Laura's already up and walking around and is going to be eating real food soon, we hope. Since Craig is a complete dork, he immediately wanted to see who Harrison shares a birthday with. Upon scanning wikipedia's page on Oct. 16, Craig has decided Oct. 16 was a fine day for Harrison to be born.

Harrison shares a birthday with the following famous people: Noah Webster, of Dictionary Fame; Oscar Wilde, Irish playwright and poet; Michael Collins, Irish revolutionary, portrayed onscreen by Liam Neeson; Angela Lansbury, hero to senior citizens everywhere for her series "Murder She Wrote"; Nico of Velvet Underground fame; Dave Patnode, famous throughout the near west side of Green Bay, Wis for his general awesomeness; Bob Weir of the Grateful Dead; Oscar-winning actor Tim Robbins; Red Hot Chili Peppers bassist Flea and lastly, crappy singer/songwriter John Mayer.

Now some pictures:
Proud Grandparents

Proud Mother

Proud Father

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Harrison is here

Harrison Phillip Corsten was born at 11:25 a.m. today. 7 lbs, 8 oz of complete and total cuteness. 20.5 inches long. He's got a lot of hair, which we initially thought was strawberry blonde, but now it appears to be just blonde. He's got huge feet on him, almost humorously huge. Him and Laura both did really well and we're really excited.

Did I mention he's cute? He's adorable.