Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Off the Charts

We're back from NYC, and it was awesome. More on that later, since people really read this to hear what's new with Harrison.

The morning after we got back to NYC Craig took Harrison to the Doctor for his 6-month check up. The first words out of the Doc's mouth were "You have a really big kid." Harrison's height is now in the 100th percentile at 30 inches, and his weight is 18.8 lbs, which is 71st percentile. Anyway, the height growth chart is funny to look at, since he's actually off it with his height...Guess that makes him the tallest 6 month old in the world. Or something like that.

The doctor suggested some cut backs in his feeding - we don't understand that, since he's tall and not fat - but he's the expert. In the meantime, Craig has visions of a career in major league pitching, or possibly as an NFL lineman for Harrison.

Easter was spent with the Franz family, and in addition to a lot of people, we had a ton of dogs in our house. We have our dog Otis, Carol and Alex's two dogs, Shea and Pennington, and then Grandma and Grandpa's new puppy, Gus. All things considered, it didn't go too bad. Harrison seemed to enjoy the company of Gus and seems to like dogs just fine.

We had a nice weekend, doing some yard work (we have a sweet new clothes line, neighborhood covenants be damned), shopping and hanging around.

On Easter we went to church, where our church was all decked out with balloons and the worship band ("If your kid came back from the dead, I'm pretty sure you'd have a big party with balloons and a band," - our Pastor). Agreed.

After church, we made a ham and had a nice lunch with all the trimmings.

Harrison has also moved into his big car seat. Doesn't look too thrilled to be sitting in it, huh? We're not too thrilled to move him into it. An infant carrier is so much easier, but what you gonna do? His massive size necessitated the move.

On to the other part of this post, Craig and Laura had an outstanding time in NYC with Carol and Alex. We went to the Brewers/Mets game (Brewers lost, 1-0), visited the Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island, Central Park, Times Square, The Brooklyn Brewery...and we ate. Oh, we ate. We also enjoyed some outstanding hospitality from Alex's parents.

Anyway, here are a couple of pictures from our trip.

Citi Field, home of the NY Mets, Alex's favorite baseball squadron.

Alex was supposed to warn us of any incoming fly balls. He did - at the last second - and Laura narrowly averted a baseball on the buttocks.

Colombian breakfast. Always a highlight.

Craig and Laura and the Statue of Liberty.

Craig has retained a juvenile sense of humor.

Having a couple of high quality brews at the Brooklyn Brewery.

Laura in Central Park.

Ellis Island. Craig often tells Laura that when the Franz family first came to America they didn't have running water, so they bathed in rivers. The Franz's probably stopped here before they bathed in rivers.

Friday, April 10, 2009

Suppan = Harrison's least favorite Brewer

Yikes, it's been nearly two weeks since we've updated this. Surprisingly, Grandma and Grandpa Corsten haven't called to complain about this, likely since we visited them last weekend.

While we were visiting, we spoiled Grandma and Grandpa by letting them witness Harrison's first taste of vegetables. Laura fed him squash, which isn't a "clear" vegetable, but Laura is the boss and she says it's fine. The verdict: same as every other new food we introduce - frowns.

Harrison had another first while we were in Green Bay - a bonfire. Craig was sitting in the basement and he noticed his mom sitting outside burning old checkbooks in the fire pit and looking lonely. So Craig joined her out there and soon enough the whole Corsten family was sitting around enjoying a fire on a warm spring afternoon.

Fun fact: In 1989 a pizza dinner at Jake's cost the Corsten family $10. We have no clue why Grandma burned those old checkbooks. They were a treasure trove of useless information.

Fun fact #2: Jake's is Craig's favorite pizza place in the whole wide world.

Harrison had another first shortly after we returned from Green Bay - he puked on another person's face for the first time ever. This happened during Jeff Suppan's miserable pitching performance in the Brewer's first game of the season, so Craig is pretty sure Harrison was just showing his revulsion with Suppan. Unfortunately, Craig was the object Harrison took that frustration out on.

With this weekend being Easter, the majority of the Franz family will be coming to visit. Laura has put together a huge list of stuff for Pete and Craig to do. Well, mainly Pete. If Craig could do this stuff himself Laura wouldn't be asking Pete to do it.

Laura and Craig are also preparing for their first extended time away from Harrison, as they're headed to New York City next weekend with Carol and Alex. Grandma and Grandpa Corsten have graciously offered to stay with Harrison for a long weekend. It'll likely be tough to be away from Harrison for a few days, but you got to cut the umbilical cord sooner or later. Craig preferred sooner.

We'll have pictures from the trip and more on the main attraction - Harrison - when we return. Happy Easter!