Sunday, August 16, 2009


Harrison starts daycare Monday morning and with summer starting to wind down, Craig and Laura took a five-day weekend and spent some quality time as a family before Harrison starts his newest adventure. We had grand plans of taking a trip somewhere, but the need to purchase a new oven and the fact that we have a dog (totally forgot about Otis at one point) kept us at home...mostly.

We did take a day-trip to Rockford, where we went to the waterpark with Laura's sister Lizzie and her kids, Abby and Ben. Harrison had a lot of fun playing in the water, which is no surprise since he loves water. The above picture was the only one of about seven where we got all three kids to look at the camera. The weirdest part was it was probably the hardest to get Abby to look at the camera. You'd think a 7-year-old would be good at something like that.

I am having fun

All that water wore him out

We spent a lot of time close to home on our mini-vacation where Harrison got his first taste of mac n'cheese, which he found most enjoyable. We also purchased a new oven, went out for dinner with Craig's sister, Jessica, and got some landscaping done.

We also noticed recently that Harrison is really taking a liking to music. So Friday evening we took him to the Tyranena Brewing Company, which holds summertime concerts in the beer garden. Harrison is shown above intently listening to the alt-country sounds of The Dang-Its. Harrison really enjoyed the music and literally screamed with delight during instrumental breaks (he screams A LOT now - video of that to come when we catch it). The band acknowledged his presence in between songs and introduced him to the crowd as the kid making the feedback-like noises.

The video below further illustrates Harrison's love of music.

We wrapped the vacation with a trip to the Farmer's market (again) with our friend Hollie and her mother who were visiting Madison for the weekend. We bought cheese.

We're excited for Harrison to start daycare. While we had a great in-home situation for Harrison previously, it will be good for him to be with some kids his age where he'll work on his social skills and further develop his immune system.

Monday, August 10, 2009

All by myself

Every parent has conflicting feelings about their kid getting bigger. On one hand it's tough to see your kids growing so fast, but on the other it's pretty neat to see them become more self reliant.

Harrison cooked dinner for himself last night. It was pretty neat.

Ok, he didn't cook dinner, but he is learning to groom himself. At the suggestion of the doctor, Harrison has his own tooth brush. He mainly bangs it on the floor for amusement, but he does occasionally put the bristles in his mouth and move the brush around. So he's got that going for him.

Harrison can also grab his bottle and feed himself. On occasion. Usually he just lets the bottle drop but sometimes he likes to feed himself.

This new found independence is also causing some issues. Harrison gave himself his first shiner last week when he attempted to grab a camera (presumably to take pictures of himself) and instead pulled it down on his face. Other than a brief cry, Harrison got over it pretty quickly and was no worse for the wear.

Harrison still can't read, so every night Craig and Harrison enjoy a bedtime story together. It's usually pretty light reading, but Craig keeps an old literature anthology next to the rocking chair to read Harrison a poem now and then. Harrison's favorite poet is Langston Hughes. He has exquisite taste.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Grandma and Grandpa time

Lots of photo catching up to do since it's been a long time since a real blog post.
Playing in the pool with Grandma Cindy

A few weeks back Laura had to leave town for work for a couple of days, so Craig called in the cavalry to assist with Harrison. Craig's parents came to visit for a couple of days and Harrison had a great time playing with them all day while Craig and Laura worked.

Harrison had a great time playing in the pool (remember that one day this summer that was warm?) and going to the store with Grandma and Grandpa.

Harrison, learning the fine art of bullshitting from Grandpa Phil

Harrison loves playing with those dangly things on the ends of blinds. To each their own

Photo Break
End Photo Break

Harrison is a happy kid, but maybe sometimes we play up that angle a little too much. So here's a photo of Harrison crying. It does happen.

The above photo serves two purposes.
A) It shows Harrison's ever tightening bond with Otis. At first Otis wouldn't leave Harrison alone, now it's more the other way around.
2) Harrison likes to point at people and things. A lot. It's cute.

Harrison is also standing for pretty much as long as he wants. Still not unsupported, but he can walk around objects as long as he's got something to hang onto. We like it. It keeps him occupied.

Harrison also likes cheese. Who doesn't?

Finally, Harrison has finally graduated from his baby bath tub and is taking baths in the tub. We'd been debating that move for awhile now, but he was kind of wobbly while sitting up. Now he's rock solid.

Harrison also spent last weekend with Grandma and Grandpa Franz while Craig and Laura went camping with friends. We have no pictures of that, but he had a good time at the Sheboygan Brat Days Parade.