Sunday, December 7, 2008

Willie, The Dude and Lester

Harrison had his portrait taken this weekend by a semi-professional that his Aunt Lizzie knows. Laura says the photo session went really well, which you can judge for yourself by looking at the photos posted below (we have permission to post these, don't worry).

Craig's a big fan of the photos in general, but a little unsure about the Santa outfit, which may qualify as torture under the Geneva Conventions.

Moving along, for no real reason, here's a photo of Harrison and Otis that's cute.

Here's Harrison strapped into his car seat with the hat Laura says is "cute."

We've decided to get a little experimental with the blog. Here we have Harrison cam, life through the eyes of Harrison.

And now, Laura cam.

Finally, people who know Craig know that he loves Willie Nelson.

Willie - along with The Dude, and Lester Burnham - are three characters, fictional and non-fictional, that Craig aspires to be more like.

The Dude

Lester Burnham, at left
Anywho, Craig has discovered recently, much to his happiness, that Harrison is a big fan of Willie Nelson's album Stardust.

Stardust calms Harrison down when he's riled up. Particularly the song "All of Me." Since Craig and Laura often disagree on music tastes it's heartening for Craig to have Harrison taking his side early on.

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