Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Flash: Harrison is now the proud owner of a soul

Still Smiley

You know, we hate to keep opening up our blog posts with more stories about how happy and cute and smiley Harrison is. We can't help it. We've decided that Harrison is quite possibly the happiest baby there ever was. We mean no disrespect to others who have thought similar things about their own children, but Harrison is a very happy camper.

Aside from when he's sleeping or hungry, Harrison is continually smiling and now he's laughing.

Aristotle believed that a baby laughing for the first time indicated that they had received their soul. While we don't believe that the first laugh is indicative of anything quite that important, we think it's a pretty neat sounding anecdote. We also think hearing your baby laugh for the first time is a pretty cool thing for a parent to experience. Talk about cute. Jeesh!

Random picture

Over the last weekend several of Laura's friends from college came to visit and see Harrison. We had a good time. Laura made manicotti. Aside from that, we hung around the house pretty much the whole weekend. Above we have Jana with her daughter Brenna and Harrison. Brenna is a real cutie and always a lot of fun when she visits. She really liked Harrison and gave him a kiss good night. Awww. Below we have Harrison with another of Laura's friends, Amy. Amy is the spawn of dairy farmers and is from Reedsburg. We don't hold that against her though.

Harrison also appears to be increasingly aware of his surroundings. The babysitter says Harrison seems interested in the TV and we notice that he's becoming much more playful and grabby. All in all, our son is growing fast, mentally and physically.
Harrison, appearing to be either scared or amazed by something

Harrison with his cool artisan rattle

1 comment:

Anonymous said...