Monday, February 16, 2009

Kind of a hand man

Harrison is now 100 percent, completely and totally obsessed with his hands. It's crazy. Happy, inserts hands into mouth. Sleepy, puts hands in mouth. Hungry, puts hands in mouth. It's kind of cute, but it's difficult to get him to do much on his tummy, because he goes "Oh, there's my hands. I think I'll put them in my mouth."

Grandma Cindy and Grandpa Phil came to visit last weekend and we all had a good time. They watched Harrison Friday evening, so Craig and Laura went out for a nice dinner in Madison. On Saturday we took a trip to the Mitchell Park Domes. There were lots of pretty plants and such, but all in all, they were pretty underwhelming.

Later in the day, Aunt Jessica came over to visit and we ate a delicious meal of BBQ ribs. Jessica was not overly fond of Harrison early on since her first attempt at babysitting him did not go well. But it seems he's really growing on her now that he's more "interactive."

Harrison is still growing and eating like crazy. Pooping has also become very regular (YES!). He was occasionally sleeping until 6 in the a.m., but is waking up earlier than that as of late. The nice thing about that is, instead of screaming when he wakes up, he makes these cute high pitched squeals at minute intervals. It's much easier to mix a bottle when Harrison isn't screaming at you.

Random photos

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