Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Welcome to the house of fun

Yes, it's been awhile since a post. Would you believe we're very busy? We hope so, because that's what we're pleading.

Harrison is growing up fast...still. And he loves to play. Oh, does he love to play. With improved (mostly) weather lately, Harrison is spending a lot of time in the outdoors. He loves swings. As evidence, we submit the below video. Note the strange, and hilarious laugh he makes while swinging.

Big Swinger

Harrison is using his playtime to get strong. Yep, he's standing up. Not to be misleading, one of us stood him up and he does have some support from that toy, but it's impressive nonetheless.

Harrison is showing very little interest in crawling, but he's still getting closer and closer to doing it. It really wouldn't surprise us to see him walk before he crawls. He loves walking. He grabs onto our thumbs, pulls himself up and waddles.

Speaking of thumbs. Full out thumb sucker. Cute, but not cool.

Harrison is still an incredibly happy kid. Just look at him

Playing in the super cool wagon in Grandma and Grandpa Corsten's basement

We took Harrison on a trip to the magical place where his mom and dad met and fell in love, River Falls, Wis. Home of THE University of Wisconsin - River Falls. One of Laura's college roommates bought a house there, so we tried to gather up all of her college friends for a weekend of family fun. Only not all of the girls could make it. And it rained. A lot. We still had fun. We had a hotel room for a night and Harrison loved to play in the pool, even if it was cold. In the background below you can see his new friend, Quinn. Craig busted Quinn checking out Harrison's booty, but she denied it.

The two most handsomest men in the whole wide world

Laura and her college friends and their kids, where applicable

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