Thursday, January 21, 2010

Christmas, Episode Two - The Franz Family and the Muppets: A Christmas Together

The week after Christmas we headed up to Howards Grove for Christmas with the Franz family. After everybody but Alex trickled in on New Years Eve, we opened up Christmas presents. Harrison was quite fond of the bow he got to wear in his hair.

Harrison was also quite fond of the cardboard box Liz gave him. The box was filled with bath toys, but at that moment Harrison cared only about the box. In the time since, Harrison has completely given up on the box and has grown quite attached to his bath toys.

One of the highlights at Franz family Christmas is Grandpa Pete's Potato Pancakes. Kind of sounds like a brand name, doesn't it? Pete shreds up massive quantities of potatoes, fries them up and serves them with apple sauce, sour cream, sugar and ketchup. It's one of Craig's favorite meals of the whole year.

One of Harrison's favorite things now is posing for pictures. He points at the camera and goes "ugh, ugh, ugh," until we pick it up and take a picture. One of his latest quirks is smiling without showing his teeth, like above. Must've picked it up at daycare.

Harrison is still completely and totally obsessed with books. As soon as he gets out of his crib after bed or naps, the first thing he does is grab a book off his pile and bring it out to the living room. This is done without fail, and our house is completely littered with books. Harrison not only enjoys carrying books around, he also loves it when Craig and Laura read to him. Like really, really likes it.

Bonus video of Harrison playing with the barn he got for Christmas

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