Saturday, March 27, 2010

A chronologically reversed post

We'll start this post in the current day, and then work our way backwards into February. How edgy!
Last weekend we went and visited Craig's parents for Grandpa Corsten's birthday. Aunt Jessica helped out with Harrison, but only on the condition that she was able to lead him around on a leash. Harrison, of course, loved it.

On the way up we heard Holy Diver by DIO on the radio. Craig loves the song for its' kitsch factor (watch for a second use of kitsch later in this post!). Harrison loves the song just for the rocking out factor.

The weekend before that, Craig and Laura took Harrison to the Vilas Zoo in Madison to take advantage of the beautiful weather. Harrison enjoyed it much more the second time around. His favorite animals? The river otters - which seem to personify his playfulness, and the flamingos - which personify his love of kitsch? Who knows?

Harrison also loves, nay, LOVES, spaghetti. These two photos show his love of one of his dad's favorite dishes. Craig and Harrison usually have spaghetti club when Laura's working late, since she doesn't really care for spaghetti. How bizarre!

Harrison also loves Laura's iphone, which we have stocked with games for him. He also loves watching old school Sesame Street videos on youtube on the phone.

No, no, no! This hairstyle is all wrong for you! I must fix it!

We also went to Green Bay two weeks previous to our last visit. As the weather was nice, Craig, Laura, Grandpa and Harrison went to the wildlife sanctuary to feed the ducks and geese. Harrison wasn't much interested in feeding the waterfowl. He was more interested in chasing them.

Handsome fellow

Craig recently began brewing beer. Harrison can't really help with that yet, but he really enjoys watching. Here Harrison watches the beer ferment, which makes lots of fun glugging and bubbling noises.

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