Friday, July 30, 2010

Being home is awesome

Henry and Harrison are getting along pretty well so far, but Harrison has a lot to learn about being gentle with his brother. Harrison rolls out of bed in the morning and says "Baby?" Then he runs into Henry's room, points at him and enthusiastically says "baby!" Then he hold his pointer finger over his lips and says "shhh!"

Kisses - in video form!

Laura and Henry headed home from the hospital last Thursday and everything has been going great. So far, so good. Henry is a great sleeper, which is making nights pretty easy for mom and dad.

Now some pictures!

Pool time for Harrison

Looking back a little bit, we did our best to make sure Harrison had a great time in the weeks before Henry was born. Harrison started to understand that he had a baby joining him soon and he'd kiss Laura's belly whenever we told him to give his brother a kiss.

We also took Harrison to the county fair just before Henry was born. He loved seeing all the cows and horses and pigs he sees in books in person. Harrison screamed the first time he saw a horse at the fair and spent the bulk of his time there pointing wildly at all the livestock.

We also took Harrison out to Olbrich Gardens in Madison for some portraits, a much more difficult task now that he's fully mobile. Here are the highlights.

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