Friday, October 29, 2010

My name's Craig Corsten, and I approve this message

The biggest news over the last two months is Henry got baptized on September 19. We had a bunch of family make it, including his aunt Carol and uncle Alex, who flew in from the Washington, D.C. area to be 2/3 of his Godparents (with his Aunt Jessica filling in the last spot). We've now successfully awarded all of our sister's with Godparent positions. No need for anymore kids!

Henry's baptism was one of three(!) baptisms done at our church this morning, which the pastor said was a record for the church. We have a lot of young families at our church and Henry didn't mind sharing the spotlight.

While everyone was in town we held an early celebration for Harrison's second(!) birthday. He looked upset with his ice cream cake.

We also got a nice photo of all the Franz cousins. Too bad none of them bear the name Franz.

Harrison LOVES hanging out with his little brother.

We went apple picking in early October and a great time was had by all, but especially Craig. Craig was super excited to get his picture taken with sheep.

Harrison had a great time putting apples into the bags. Still a little too short to actually pick the apples, but eventually he'll get there.

Harrison celebrated his REAL birthday in Green Bay when his grandparents had a booyah party. There was booyah and beer and cake and all kinds of munchies. Craig also got to have his birthday celebrated since him and Harrison have their birthday's two days apart. To aid in the celebration the Badgers beat Ohio State. Yay!

Harrison was really excited about his toy tractor with a "big scooper."

Harrison also loves helping out with bath time. He doesn't really help much, he just makes a wet mess. But whatever.

We went to Wisconsin Dells last weekend with Aunt Lizzie and Uncle Aaron, their kids and some friends. Everyone had a great time. Harrison loved the water until his feet got a little cut up from the pool bottom. Then he screamed. A lot.

Henry's "hero" photo. Look how well he gazes off into the distance.

We carved pumpkins earlier this week. Harrison loved to watch, but wanted nothing to do with the pumpkin guts.

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