Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Christmas and what comes after

This is Craig's first week as a stay-at-home dad. Monday included a two-hour screaming fit from Henry, but it seemed to get easier each day. Friday was the big reward as Henry rolled over for the first time. The two videos here were taken within 24 hours. On the top one, Henry babbles away on his belly. On the second one, Henry takes charge of his situation and rolls over. Nice way to end the week. As Craig writes this, both boys are napping, Laura is on her way home from work and Craig is indulging in well-deserved beer.

Henry sure is pretty, no?

We had a wonderful Christmas time, spending a little bit of time with both families. A week before Christmas we spent a weekend in Howards Grove with the entire Franz family making it home for the holidays. The above and below photos are not from that. That's from Christmas Eve, which we also partially spent with the Franz's before heading north to Green Bay for the rest of Christmas.

Back to the Franz family Christmas, Harrison loved hanging out with his cousin, Ben. Harrison follows - or maybe more accurately, chases - Ben all around the house. They get along famously despite their age difference of two-plus years.

Harrison didn't get all of those presents.

Harrison is already considering a career in law enforcement and attempted to arrest his uncle Alex for being an obnoxious Jets fan.

Harrison also enjoyed decorating Christmas cookies in the weeks leading up to Christmas. With each cookie he'd dump the entire jar of sprinkles on top. We'd fill it back up and repeat the process over and over and over.

Henry really enjoys bath time and for the longest time it was pretty much the only way to get him stop screaming in the evening.

Harrison got an Elmo snuggie on accident (Laura thought it was a blanket). He thought the packaging for it was a hat, so he kept putting it on Henry. It sort of looked like one of those collars they put on dogs so they won't lick their stitches after surgery. Henry didn't mind, though.

We took some portraits of the boys and it appears they turned out quite well.

Craig has a habit of checking on Harrison just before he turns in for the night. Usually he just has to pull the blankets back over his feet, but sometimes Craig gets a good laugh out of it. How can this possibly be a comfortable way to sleep?
Bonus picture

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