Thursday, December 18, 2008

Cute, but dangerous

Harrison had his two month check up this afternoon and he's doing great. After starting out wiry, he's anything but now. Harrison is now 24 inches long and weighs an even 13 pounds. His length and height are both in the 75th percentile. So while he's kept his pace with his height, he's pretty much exploded with the weight. He's been sucking down 6 ounces at each feeding for over a month now...BUT he's eating less frequently and sleeping for much longer stretches.

We like that very much.

We've alluded to Harrison's violent behavior directed towards Craig numerous times in the blog. We now have photographic evidence. The above photo shows the crazy eyes Harrison makes moments before he attacks and below shows Harrison tossing a punch. We can add that he never swings at Laura. He's a true gentleman.

I'll smack you in the mouth, I'm Neil Diamond!

Harrison has used his strong arm tactics to kick Craig out of the recliner, which he has effectively claimed as his own.

Go get me a beer. I'm busy watching SportsCenter.

Finally, Harrison sitting in front of his first Christmas tree. We're looking forward to seeing everyone over the holiday's, but if we don't see you...Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!


Anonymous said...


Craig Corsten said...

The Jewish Elvis...who are you?