Friday, February 27, 2009

A delicious meal

At Harrison's doctor's appointment last week we got the go ahead to start feeding him some rice cereal. Early results are mixed. You can sort of tell in the video, but Harrison frowns when he gets a spoonful and then he usually puts his hands into his mouth and a big mess ensues. It's fun.
At Harrison's appointment we learned that he's pretty much stayed right on course with his height and weight. He weighed in a 16.3 lbs, which is 79-77% for weight and was 26.5 inches, which is 93% for height. In other words, he's a tall kid.

We spent last weekend at the Franz homestead and had a nice time despite the snow storm. We went to the Fire Department's Brat Fry, where Grandpa Pete won four bottles of Kessler's Whiskey. Yum. I guess. The picture above is Harrison sitting in Grandpa Pete's chair that he enjoyed when he was a little guy.

Just a cute picture of Harrison to wrap things up. He really likes that blanket.


Anonymous said...

He dont relish the rice much does he!

Anonymous said...

Grama Cindy loves the pics keep them coming!