Tuesday, March 24, 2009

When do you introduce barley soda?

There really seems to be something new with Harrison every day as of late. The above picture really has nothing to do with his new tricks, but it's cute, so I started the post off with it. Harrison loves grabbing things, especially the interior of people's mouths.

We've long suspected we would have a thumb sucker on our hands and Harrison confirmed that suspicion last weekend. We were feeding him his rice cereal and instead of inserting his whole hand into his mouth, Harrison placed just his thumb in. He sat there merrily sucking away at it until we pulled it out to continue his feeding.

Harrison also played with his feet for the first time this morning. While Craig was changing his nasty morning diaper, he saw Harrison grab his foot, which Harrison attempted to do over and over again while Craig was trying to put a clean diaper on.

Harrison also likes to grab at Craig's beer, shown above. Craig politely reminds Harrison that the beer is "Daddy's formula," and Harrison can have some when he's older. Craig distinctly remembers being very young (5-6) and at a party with his parents. He asked his mom for a soda and was harshly denied. Thinking on his feet, Craig asked his mom if he could have a beer instead. Mom answered affirmatively, so Craig called her bluff and went and got one from the keg (Craig was filling beer glasses from the keg at a very young age - pictorial evidence below). One sip sufficed for Craig and he rarely touched a beer after that for the next decade or so. Craig may - or may not - try this same approach with Harrison.

Craig, fetching beer from the keg at his 3rd birthday party

Bonus Photos

My boy's wicked smart

Harrison prefers privacy while dining

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Craig, nice 80s leisure suit,no really!