Sunday, May 10, 2009

The Amazing Sitting Harrison

It happened just like that. All of a sudden Harrison is sitting up without any support. Last week he was sitting up with us hovering over him to catch him when he fell, but now Harrison spends extended amounts of time sitting up and playing. It also appears that crawling is just around the corner. He kicks his legs around when he's lying on his stomach and he can pull his hips up off the floor for short periods of time. It's pretty amazing stuff for us first-time parents.

Mother's Day weekend was spent at Grandma and Grandpa Franz's place where we also had a birthday party for Grandma, who turned 34. Harrison had a great time helping Grandma fold laundry. Rather, Harrison had a good time chewing on laundry while Grandma folded it. Several items needed to be returned to the dryer after Harrison was through with them.

After church Sunday morning we had a delicious chicken lunch with the Franz family (minus Alex and Carol who fled the country). With the three grand kids all dressed up we attempted to get a group photo. Getting three young kids to all look at a camera and smile is quite a challenge, and the above photo is probably the best one we got. Harrison really enjoys spending time with his cousin's Abby and Ben.

We really think Harrison is especially going to enjoy the company of Ben. Ben is becoming Yogi Berra-like in his ability to generate interesting quotes. When people left the party Saturday night, Ben would yell out "Thanks to play!" It doesn't make much sense, but it sure is fun to say.

Oh yeah, the Brewers beat the Cubs 12-6.

Bonus Pictures
Harrison is a ham

Harrison being attacked by a scary walking Big Bird

1 comment:

granpa phil said...

Craig -you were 2 yrs. old before you sat up!