Thursday, May 7, 2009

On hats, feedings, ham rolls and distractions

Harrison is starting to learn to enjoy the great outdoors. The above photo was taken last weekend when Laura went to visit Aunt Lizzie in Rockford. They took the kids to a soccer game (boo!) and you can tell that Harrison really enjoyed being outside. Who wouldn't enjoy the outdoors while outfitted in such a nice hat?

Harrison is also starting to really get the idea of eating. In fact, depending on the mushy fruit or vegetable he's being fed, he downright relishes eating. He's also started feeding himself these little puffs. Well, maybe he doesn't really feed himself. But he does pick them up and then squash them into his face. He's getting better at it and you can tell he's trying his best and what more can you ask from a six-month old?

Harrison is also rolling all over the place and kind of shuffling a bit, so that means crawling is likely not far off. Because Harrison likes to spit up, we usually put a blanket under him to keep said spit off the carpet. This no longer works. Harrison rolls over and takes the blanket with him and next thing you know he's all rolled up like a delicious ham, pickle and cream cheese roll. Mmmmm. Ham.

Harrison is also becoming hyper-aware, which makes keeping him focused on anything a chore. His feedings must be conducted in total silence and the dog must sit completely still, or Harrison will stop eating to look around at what he might be missing. To be honest, it can be quite frustrating. Here he was happily playing in his jumper (totally his favorite pastime by a long shot), when he heard a noise behind him.

1 comment:

granpa phil said...

Craig your such a ham !