Sunday, November 30, 2008


We - being Craig and Laura - are generally a pretty thankful couple. We've lived a pretty good life to this point and we know it. But this year we're especially thankful because of the addition of Harrison. He had as good of a Thanksgiving as a six-week old can possibly have. Above, he's hanging out with his Great-Grandpa Corsten on Thanksgiving at Craigs' cousin Jenny's place. Harrison enjoyed his milk while the rest of the Corsten fam dined on turkey. It was a splendid day.

While we were in GB we brought Harrison over to see his Great-Great-Grandpa Jerry, who is quite spry for 96 years. We took a five-generation photo with his Grandpa Phil and his Great-Grandma Jane, which was pretty neat. Grandpa Jerry also gave Harrison a clock that he made, which we'll put in Harrison's room.

Photo break

Bonus Story

If it flies, it dies!
Grandpa Phil recently shot a banded goose. He's proud of almost everything he shoots (except for the time he shot a man, true story) but he was especially proud of his banded goose. After he cleaned it to make delicious goose sticks, he called in the number on the band and the U.S. Geological Survey sent him a neat certificate showing where the goose was banded and how old it was at the time. Phil's goose was banded in Plover, Wis. in 2006 when it was too young to fly. Phil is exceedingly proud of his certificate, which he framed and shows everyone who visits. Harrison included.

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