Thursday, November 13, 2008

Watching inappropriate tv with Harrison

We really wish we had some cute stories about Harrison, but we don't. He eats, he sleeps, he poops. Occasionally he makes a cute face.

Our friends Chris and Nicole came to visit last weekend and brought their kid Brady. Him and Otis really took a shine to one another, with Brady opening his mouth to receive kisses from Otis and squealing in delight. Dogs kissing babies is fine and all, but we were a little concerned about how often Otis attempted to mount Brady. That should make for some interesting times once Harrison is crawling. Otis used to also enjoy mounting our nephew Ben when he was crawling around in fuzzy little outfits. Must be an inviting target for a dog as randy as Otis.

Here we have a picture of Harrison in one of his adorable baseball outfits. Unfortunately, it's November, but spring training is just around the corner. Craig can't wait to watch a lot of baseball and drink beer with Harrison come spring. Well, Harrison probably won't be drinking much beer, but Craig will.

Finally, since Craig is pretty sure Harrison isn't absorbing much of the language at this point, him and Harrison have been bonding by watching South Park together while mom naps. The steady laughing from Craig rocks Harrison gently to sleep at first, but then jerks him wide awake when Craig launches into a full fledged laughing fit.

Harrison as a South Park character. The resemblance is striking.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Make sure Harrison wears a Packer shirt when heads down to dreaded Bear country this week-end!