Monday, November 3, 2008

Hitting the road for the first time

In case anyone needed to be reminded of Harrison's adorableness, we kick off this post with a really cute photo of him.

Moving along, Harrison and Otis are slowly becoming best pals. This is hard on Craig, since him and Otis previously were best pals. After being somewhat timid the first couple of days, Otis has really taken to Harrison. We even found Otis sleeping under the crib a few days ago, keeping a close eye on the little guy.

Harrison also took his first trip, to visit Grandma and Grandpa Franz up in Ho's Grove. While it was nice to get him out of the house, Harrison didn't care for sleeping while we were there, which made for a long weekend. While he was there Harrison spent a lot of time cuddling with Grandma and got to meet his Great Grandma Franz for the first time.

Cuddling with Grandma

Spending quality time with his Great Grandma


Amanda said...

CONGRATULATIONS Craig & Laura! I've been thinking about you lately...wondering if little Harrison has arrived. Thanks for sharing your blog with us. We'll have to keep checking in on each other's families now!

Torey said...

Harrison's a great name and I must admit that the close-up is very cute (and that's come from a guy who thinks most babies are a little ugly). Congrats!