Monday, November 24, 2008

The Boxer

Harrison is over a month now, almost six weeks old. He's eating a ton, sleeping a ton and pooping less. He appears to be growing quite a bit as well. And he's strong. Real strong. Harrison is lifting his head and looking around, headbutting Craig and punching him in the jaw every chance he gets.

Harrison is really enjoying his pimp chair. He gets to sit in style and show everyone how strong his neck is. As you can tell by the photo, it's pretty much old hat for him at this point.

We had Harrison baptized Sunday morning at our church and it was a big family affair. All of his immediate family came and so did his great-grandparents. His Aunt Lizzie and Uncle Aaron are the godparents and they're doing a pretty good job so far. I think Laura set the spoiling bar pretty high with the spoiling she did of Abby, so Aaron and Lizzie got a lot of spoiling work to do.

Aaron and Liz with Craig, Laura, Harrison and Pastor Dressel. He did a bang up job with the baptism and even used a clean bowl of water. NICE! I have no idea who the kid is in the foreground. He appears to be contemplating something (maybe his relationship with God?), or licking something off his finger.

Harrison with his great-grandparents Corsten.

Harrison with his grandma and grandpa Franz and his cousins Ben and Abby. They're real gems. All of them.

Harrison meeting his uncle Alex for the first time. I'm sure Harrison is going to be really impressed with Alex as he grows up. We're all very impressed with Alex.


Anonymous said...

Alex is thinking that Harrison would make A good jets or mets fan==it aint goona happen

Unknown said...

it sure is GOONA happen